Tuesday 13 July 2021

COVID 19, When will you become memories?

 the post will directly state so i dont have to do so.



lets have random thought ranting heree. well no one gonna read after all. covid 19 is real guys. today cases marks the highest cases in malaysia! 11k!!!! 5k itself in selangor, well surprise2, i live in selangor! 

so, 2 years live in unknown situation, until when? cant meet people, until when? with my nature of job that I NEED TO MEET PEOPLE  SO I CAN TUTOR, almost 1 month unpaid leave, UNTIL WHEN? money is not my biggest concern not that i said it is not important, but my major concern is my mental health actually. alhamdulillah, i dont suffer any mental issues, but stress do lead you to something major you know? the pressure, that i am doing nothing!!! yeah, it is fun for like 1 week? just laying on your bed, doing nothin', but then you started to get bored. as for me, i never been jobless since after spm for more than 1 month until last year situation happen. and i thought i will never have to face it again, buttttt, here we go again! SAME DAMN THING BUT MUCH MORE WORSE SCENARIO!!! i would loveeee to say WORST instead, dont want something more disaster than this, but, we cant predict tomorrow, everything is so variable nowdays. im tired already, whats the solution tho? im refraining myself from using malay since i have restricted vocabs to curse in english -_- i dont know how "flowery" my words would be if i write in malay. maybe someone will lodge a police report right after they read it, yeah, so lets stick with this 2nd language that im not really good at with.

that is all for now,

until then,


Wednesday 18 October 2017

almost there...



last semester,
my last battle,
my last fight.

almost lost hope.



in shaa allah,

Tuesday 20 September 2016

lonngggg timeee,

assalamualaikum !

has been a lonnggg timeeee since the last post! 2 tahun lebih la, and i know, no one reading this blog, but its okay, x de la malu nak bebel sengsorang, hihiks! my last post pasal kegagalan, tahun 2014, and now is 2016!! macam2 jadi within these 2 years, i might say hugee event happen along these years. further study, finally got licence (yeay!! my BIGGEST achievement!! for noww..), meet new friendsssssssssss, experienced LOTSSSSSS of up and downsssssss and macam2 lagi la. life, you would never expect what will happen, who you gonna meet....

SO !

cherish the life while still can. appreciate those little things happen in your life and embrace all good moments along the journey of your life. do not regret what had past instead try to do better in future. love people who love you, hate not people who irritate you. the most important ! love yourself, that is how you can survive,

memo for myself,

Monday 10 February 2014

aku manusia biasa,

Kadang kala, kegagalan yg berlaku membuktikan aku juga manusia biasa, kegagalan demi kegagalan yang aku tempuh membuatkan aku seakan mahu berputus asa, tapi manusia apakah aku menyerah di saat peluang itu masih ada, tidak aku dinafikan atau ingin berbangga diri, setiap kali aku menempuh ujian atau cabaran aku dapat, keputusan nya sangat memuaskan hati aku, aku antara pelajar terbaik PMR di sekolahku, dapat masuk aliran yang aku idamkan ketika di menengah atas, aku mendapat keputusan SPM yg walaupun x seberapa tapi dapat melayakkan aku memasuki alam universiti dengan sekali percubaan sahaja, dan sekarang aku menuntut dalam jurusan yang aku idamkan, itu lah, mungkin aku terlampau diberi kesenangan dan mungkin aku alpha dengan segala kesenangan itu, mungkin Allah ingin tujukkan kepada aku yang aku masih manusia biasa yang pasti akan menempuh kegagalan, walaupun sedih, aku masih bersyukur kerana Allah masih mengingati aku, memperingati aku, terima kasih ya Allah, in shaa allah, aku akan bangkit dari kegagalan ini dan buktikan aku boleh berjaya dengan izin Allah, in shaa allah...

Thursday 30 January 2014

Kelas petang,

Melihat sang unggas terbang bebas di luar jendela,
Seakan aku ingin terbang bebas bersama mereka,
Berterbangan membelah angin petang,
Mencari makanan untuk dibawa pulang;

Suasana petang yang indah dan damai seperti ini,
Tidak akan pernah aku kecapi,
Jika aku tidak berhijrah ke negeri Indera Kayangan ini;

Itulah kata pepatah,
Setiap yang terjadi dalam hidup ini,
Pasti akan ada hikmahnya yang tersendiri,
Oleh itu,
Terimalah sesuatu itu dengan hati yang terbuka,
Minda yang lapang,
Mungkin ia tidak seperti yang di jangka,
Akan tetapi,
Tiba suatu masa nanti,
Kita akan melihat,
Cerita disebalik apa yang terjadi....

Wednesday 4 December 2013


Hari ni post lain sikit, its about my feeling rite now,
Semua org ad crush rite?? Same goes to me, im human too, it is normal if i crush on someone rite??macam skrng, looking at him, even dari jauh, still can make me happy,
Tak tau bile lagy i can have chat with you since dah x da sbb utk borak lagy, smoge berjya dlm hidup, n i hope if one day we have a chance to meet again, you can still remember me as your friend,
Mr. A,

Thursday 28 November 2013

New semester,

Assalamualaikum !
New semester just begin!!!! ;)
5 subject, as usual, but!!!! Subject dia, mak aiii!! Lomah lutut den!! Calculus lll, linear and algebra l, probability and statistic, management lassst but not least, busines forecasting!!!!
Fuhhh!!!! Banyak nye bace!!! Kite x suke bace bnyk2!!!!! Mcm mne ni!!!! Kite dh nmpk bintng2 bnyk ni!!!!! Kple kite pusing2 ni!!!! Ok, i know, to mucchhh tnda seru, k la smpi sini je,